On 10th January, 17 volunteers from NYU Shanghai, together with four staff from the student life department in NYU Shanghai and Peer Experience Exchange Rostrum (PEER), went on a Dean’s Service Corps Winter Service Trip to Yuanling No.6 High School, Hunan province, China. In the following five days, volunteers took part in the students’ daily lives, taught seminar courses, and reflected on problems associated with rural education in China. They brought students an opportunity to explore and understand the world outside.
作者丨黄润铭 朱斯辰
NYU Shanghai 上海纽约大学
英语课 + 英语角
English Course + English Corner
The main purpose of this trip is to teach students English in a vivacious way. The volunteers were paired (one group in a triple) and the students were divided into eight groups. The eight topics of the English courses are: “Space Exploration”, “On the Road”, “Literature, Poems, Drama”, “Climate Change”, “Hotels”, “Travel”, “Know Yourself”, and “Traditions”. In the class, volunteers share their life stories and prepared fun games for the students to learn in a relaxed way.
English Corner is aimed at helping students practice what they have learned in the class and most importantly, be happy while learning something useful. The forms of English Corner are various. It could be viewing an English film, singing an English song, chatting in a circle, or role-playing in a scenario.
There was a presentation on the last day. The English poster is the main form of the presentation. The students challenged themselves and made great strides to present everything in English. Five days ago, they were shy and afraid of speaking in English when the volunteers first came here.
Group Activities
The group activities are composed by the Trash Fashion Show and Fun Olympics. The volunteers were amazed by the students’ creativity and intelligence. They are experts in making use of the limited resources in the Trash Fashion Show.
In the Fun Olympics, the students showed their virtues of team spirit and unity. This activity helped the students to enhance their connections with each other and have fun after the busy semester.
Living Library
Different from borrowing a book in the normal library, Living library rents real people to tell his or her own stories to others. In this way, readers can gain real-life experiences. In this session, the volunteers use keywords to describe the topic of their life books. By borrowing the “volunteers” to “read”, students knew more about the volunteers and this kind of chat broadened their horizons.
Social Emotional Learning
How to communicate with the teachers? How to deal with the relationship with the opposite sex? The Social Emotional Learning Course hopes to help the students discuss those topics that are “troublesome” and consequently avoided in their daily life. Because of the social and family environment in which the students grow up, they are easy to become sensitive and emotional. In this course, volunteers tried to help the students think from another side. The course is not targeted at solving those problems but tries to help the students understand the importance of critical thinking. However, what the students said in the class gave some interesting perspectives to the volunteers themselves to reflect. That is why there is no absolute division between “teacher” and “student” in teaching, since one side could always gain from the other side.
Community Exploration Project
Community exploration project is aimed at helping the students understand their community better. In the exploration, the students find the problems in the fields such as health care, immigrant, commerce, transportation, etc., think about it, and finally, try to help solve it. Students went to the nearest community and did surveys on random people. In the final presentation, they made a video, played a scenario, recomposed a song, drew an album of painting, or built a model to reveal the problems and give their solutions.
TED 演讲
TED Talk
上海纽约大学的学生在沅陵六中进行了一共2次,4组,5个主题的演讲。演讲主题包括:认识自我价值,如何在现实和梦境中做出选择,机会,澳洲之旅,如何减压。此次TED Talk的亮点在于,我们强调了输出知识的演讲者的和接受知识的听讲座者之间的互动,互动教学也是知识流动的最好方式之一,如折纸东南西北游戏:不仅让同学们回忆起了小时候折纸的回忆,同时也通过游戏折纸的方式来减压和放松,减轻同学们在紧张的学习生活中的压力。对同学们来说,TED Talk帮助他们在信息相对闭塞的环境下了解当下最新的信息,了解演讲者最深刻的经历;对演讲者来说,TED Talk能帮助他们学会如何更好地与学生(同龄人)交流。
The volunteers also set up TED Talk×YL6 (Yuanling No.6 High School). The topics include: discovering the value of your life, choosing between reality and dream, grasping the opportunity, marketing yourself, and traveling in Australia on a tight budget. In TED Talk, the students could have a basic understanding of universal life problems and think about how to make better choices in their future. From the volunteers’ side, they also practice how to better communicate with peers.
志愿者Margaret Knight在给同学们做TED Talk
Candle Night
In Candle Night, there are eight main topics for the students to choose to join: Brave, Crush, Lost, Future, Dream, Love, Regret, and Alone. The volunteers and students sat in a circle and shared with each other their own stories that are related to the topic. In this activity, everyone has the chance to tell those secrets that are buried at the bottom of their heart for a long time.
PEER Homeroom
PEER Homeroom is a session which gives volunteers and students a separate time to recap the whole day. This session is not only a reflecting part but also provides lots of suggestions for the next day. Students are encouraged to write down the reflection paper according to KWL (Knowledge, Want, Learn)–a model helps students to reflect under the guidance from volunteers. Simultaneously, volunteers are able to adjust the English courses and English corner according to student reflection.
Field Trip
Field Trip活动旨在通过志愿者和学生进行游戏互动的方式,增强学生与志愿者之间的情感纽带。此次Field Trip活动包括包饺子和欢乐KTV两个部分。包饺子中,志愿者和同学们以小组为单位进行包饺子和肉丸。印象最深刻的是:志愿者们相比于沅陵六中的高一同学们,反而不那么擅长包饺子,同学们的动手能力和团队协作能力在包饺子活动中得以体现。在欢乐KTV活动中,我们发现:同学们的才艺和新时代的向往并没有被地域所限制;相反,沅陵六中的同学们多才多艺的表演让我们大开眼界。Field Trip不仅仅是一次合作互动的游戏,更是提供给了同学们更好地发现自我的平台,也是给志愿者们提供了一个更全面了解同学们的平台。
Field Trip aims at enhancing the relationship between students and volunteers by doing interacting activities such as making dumplings and singing together. What surprises the volunteers most is the performance of students. Their ability to make dumplings and the talents of singing and dancing is underestimated by us previously. However, this activity actually provides a platform not only for students to discover a better self but also for volunteers to learn from the students.
Talk with the Teachers
PEER program also provides an opportunity for volunteers to communicate with teachers in order to hear from another perspective. Volunteers learned that teachers here treat students as their own children. Tons of perspiration is involved in the teaching process. At the same time, volunteers pass on the messages from students who show their gratitude to them. Nevertheless, teachers complained that the education environment is still a tough problem in rural areas. At last, volunteers and teachers discuss more about the way of teaching, the all-round education, psychological problems of students. After the conversation and discussion with teachers, volunteers realize that the complexity of reforming the education in rural areas and the complication of distributing the educational resources, they might restrain by the social structure to some extent.
The End
Five days are too short to make more changes, but long enough to keep all the details in memory. This meet between the volunteers and the students may change the future of both sides. The students will work hard to chase after their dreams, while the volunteers will keep the reflections in mind and try to make more contributions to rural education in the future.
Hi,我叫黄润铭,是上海纽约大学的大一学生。在2019学年得知学校的Dean’s Service Corps和PEER组织了在寒假去沅陵六中的支教活动,便毫不犹豫地报名了。收获颇丰,不虚此行!
烛光晚会之前,我介绍我们的话题“远方”。我说,小时候,我们总想去山的那边看看。后来长大以后,我们看到了山那边的海,可是“远方”却距离更加遥远了。2020年的开始,我出发来到了这个“远方”。满怀着期许,情理之中,这五天也带给了我许多意料之外的惊喜。我知道自己即将离开,去往另外一个远方。但会记得每一个与学生们,挚愿者们,staff们相处的感动瞬间。会记得,每一个有趣的灵魂,和欢声笑语。We Are PEERS!
My visit to Yuanling 6 school was a humble and pleasant experience for me that led me to meet amazing people. In 6 days I made friends, sisters, and brothers that I hope to continue influencing each other in positive ways. What I have gained and learned through this service program was above and beyond my expectations and made me grow up in a way I couldn’t have else way.
——Hyunji Lee
Before coming here, I thought it would just be an English teaching trip. Looking back I’m not too sure if that was the main purpose of this trip. I mean sure I think these kids did learn a lot from our English lessons, but how much English can they learn from 4 days. How much of an impact can we really have on their English grades with our 4 lessons? I was pondering this question, and I was thinking maybe that wasn’t the point of this trip. I understand that in China their educational system is very unforgiving. From elementary school to College, Chinese students are constantly ranked. They are constantly being labeled and if they fall behind they tend to stay that way. It’s a cycle of failure that tends to land students in lesser ranked schools which in return increases the chances of them falling further behind. What I really wanted to teach my students was that they were more than a number. Each and every one of them, in reality, was a higher rank than they were on paper. I wanted to try to tell these students that they were special, and just that even though they were not doing so well now they were not stuck. I wanted to show them the light behind the clouds of failure which was all some of them saw. Honestly, these students are in very difficult situation, and what I wanted to do was inspire them if only a little. Maybe I made a big enough difference in one kid’s life that will lead to them succeeding one day. I believe that this was a trip was about teaching these kids that they were more than a number, and in their future, they could accomplish their goals and just end up as a statistic.
——Jonathan Lin
其实作为没有比沅陵六中的同学们们大多少岁的志愿者们,我们是“同龄人”,自然会有情感上的共鸣。从真人图书馆活动到Candle Night(烛光夜谈),我们像是未曾谋面的多个话匣子,在一瞬间被一种神秘的力量一齐拨开。我们的情感像互溶的液体一般,在那一瞬间随着经历的分享而交融在了一起。
Candle Night前的布置
最令我印象深刻的是:在Candle Night中讨论情感问题时,我问了一个问题:用一句话形容你眼中高中时期的爱情。一个同学望着我说:“富贵险中求。”当时全场同学同学哈哈大笑,但欢乐过后细思又觉得有几分在理。高中时期的爱情,顶着高考的巨大压力和老师家长的监视,难道大多数不都是扭曲的、危险的吗?可是当时的情感反而是很美好的,淳朴的。所以用“富贵”表示爱情的美好,又用“险”描述高中大环境下做此类事的困难程度,好像再合适不过了。再细思,世界上所有的悲欢好像被联系到了一起:我们或多或少,对相同的经历有着类似的情感和反应——我们在浩渺的时空中,产生了微妙了共情。
在沅陵六中的这几天里,印象最深刻的是学生们的善良和有趣。虽然学生们的英语听说基础不是太好,但作为一个个鲜活个体的他们都非常有意思。Group Activities的各种presentation都体现出他们很强的动手能力和合作能力,而且一些学生也很有自己的想法,有很美好可爱的性格。在和他们的交流里,相比教他们英语,我学到了更多,也比原来更相信这种engagement的价值。
I was so impressed with my group members’ performance in trash fashion design. They show excellent teamwork and time management. Their concept that all people should wear the clothes they like and we should ignore the prejudice in the world, really inspires me. I do learn a lot from them. In addition, We hold a debate about whether they should be in a relationship with the opposite sex students in high school. They are very critical because they provide many inspiring perspectives about this topic. I hope we can make progress together!
The diligence and persistence of the students in this tough environment are the most impressive during the trip. Even though they are aware that they are lack of educational resources, they still spare no efforts to studying and grabbing every opportunity to learn with an optimistic mindset. That is what I should learn from them and I really appreciate the opportunity to meet them and experience a different life.
When I was preparing the activities for students, I decided to push them to the limit. I wanted to squeeze as many different study methods into one short week as possible. But when the course actually started, I could only watch the students surprise me time and again. Even though I quickly realized that I had overestimated their English, I was also amazed by the nonlinear approaches they invented to confront my tasks. Although we missed the original goal of my syllabus, I think that we gave the students much more than just language abilities.
——Bartosz Bienkowski
We might taught very limited knowledge in such a short period,but we leave something more important,that is helping them to understand each of them is special and unique in this world. When we were going to leave at the end of the last day,a girl told us it is our encouragement that makes her stop blaming herself because her teacher thought she was a little swanky in class and hope she can give more opportunities to other students. After listening to our own stories,she started to think about how to reconcile the conflict between accepting a true self and comprising on her study environment. Her feedback makes us realize that we are not doing something meaningless, even a small difference determines a lot.
From this trip, I understood my limitations and my ability. I knew how much influence I could have on the students. For example, some of them were able to use the words we thought when they were writing their feedbacks. Also, I was glad to hear that some of them still remembered the physics formula we tried to teach them during our English corner. Most importantly, they all had a good time with us after their final exam. However, it was sad to face the reality, we could not change their English level in only five days. For them, learning English is still a long way to go. But at least, we gave most of our students impetus to learn it, and that was what we wanted to see.
How can two people who don’t speak the same language connect, communicate, and collaborate? Can you build a relationship? The first day of classes, I walked in alone. I was promptly met with “We don’t speak English.” And I don’t speak Chinese. As the last day approaches, I have been able to play games, share laughter, eat food together, run down the streets, and bond with my group of students. At times, it was hard and often both parties were confused. But a moment today solidified to me the idea that connection, communication goes beyond verbal language. The students were creating a project all in chinese. I couldn’t be of much help but refused to sit in the background and risk frostbite. I asked a student to teach me how to create an origami heart. At first, she had no idea what I said. Then, she bravely used her limited English of “yes” “no” and “this” to explain to me a complex craft. Sharing a high five at the end, I know that this experience was one of bounding without need of translation.
——Margaret Knight
这次service trip带给我的收获远远超出了我的预期。本以为是自己去支教,却没想到孩子们教给我们的有太多太多。他们对知识单纯渴求的样子,对环境乐观朴实的态度,给了我最原始的感动。我们也很开心看到孩子们从第一节课开口说英语的瑟缩,到最后自发用英文给我们写信的转变。祝愿孩子们越来越好,心存希望,逐梦远航!